Can this be installed in glass?
No, you need the Cat Mate Glass Fitting Cat Flap Ref: 210.

How do I move the locks?
The locks are ‘tamper-proof’, so you need to push down the middle section in
order to slide left and right to lock and unlock.

The wall liners are white, can they be painted?
With the use of a plastic primer, Cat Mate Wall Liners can be painted.

What thickness of panel is this product suitable for?
The product is self-lining up to 50mm.

What is the size of the opening the cat goes through?
Approximately 145mm x 145mm (14.5×14.5cm or 5.7×5.7’’).

Can I get a replacement flap?
Yes, the Part Number is 934, available on our website.

Which wall liners are compatible with this cat flap?
The compatible wall liners Part Ref: 303W, available to order on our website.

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